Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Video Presentation

The following video presentation was shown to the participants in order for them to visualize and contextualize the anti-VAWC campaign that would be presented to them. This is one of the video presentations advocating the end of violence against women.

According to United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), “at least one out of three women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in their lifetime – with the abuser usually someone known to her.” This violence does not only destroy a person’s life, but it also shatters families and stunt the growth of communities. The violence must end.

The video presentation focuses on three aspects: (1) the violence committed against women and their results; (2) the impact it leaves on the people around them, especially children; and (3) the mentality of perpetrators. These people play a crucial role in the fight against violence. They must see that there are consequences for their actions or inactions, which would affect others and the community around them. They must be able to see the bigger picture and not isolate events to single transactions.

It is, thus, the purpose of this video to open one’s eyes to the things surrounding around him/her. A person does not live alone shun of human interactions. S/he has to be aware and participate in the meaningful development of his/her community. To do so, s/he has to participate and be counted as a member of change and advocate, among others, the end of violence against women and their children.

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